# Social Economy Sector Survey 2018 (SESS)

By CASES, Notícias Comentários fechados em # Social Economy Sector Survey 2018 (SESS)

In June 2019, Statistics Portugal (INE) launched for the first time, in partnership with CASES – Cooperativa António Sérgio para a Economia Social, the Social Economy Sector Survey (SESS), an innovative project initially thought of as an extension of the Management Practices Survey (MPS) which has evolved into an expanded version to integrate specific questions on the Social Economy Sector.

The questionnaire was addressed to members of the top management of the Social Economy universe in Portugal, which includes Cooperatives, Mutual associations, Holy houses of mercy, Foundations and Associations with altruistic goals.

The first results of this survey, centered essentially on the analysis of the management practices of Social Economy entities and the characterization of their managers, were released in November 2019. The remaining results were presented in September 2020, which enabled a more detailed characterization of the sector, namely in terms of the activities developed, internal composition, relations with public and private sector entities and other Social Economy entities, social responsibility initiatives and means of financing.

CASES and INE now present a publication that brings together, in a single document, all the important results achieved with this study.


Digital Publication SESS


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